Israeli settlers steal 110 straw bales in Nablus-area village

NABLUS, Israeli settler extremists stole today 110 Straw bales belonging to a Palestinian resident in the village of Burin, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank, according to a local activist.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settlement activities in the northern West Bank, said settlers stole around 110 straw bales belonging to local resident Mohammed Raja Eid in the village of Burin near Huwwara military checkpoint.

Israeli settlers’ vandalism in the occupied West Bank is routine and is done with full backing by the Israeli authorities, said the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.

“Settler violence and vandalism take place with full backing by the Israeli authorities. Sometimes soldiers take part in the assault; at other times, they stand idly by. The police make no substantial effort to investigate the incidents, nor takes measures to prevent them or stop them in real time,” it said.

Israel benefits from the repercussions, as settler violence has gradually dispossessed Palestinians of more and more areas in the West Bank, paving the way for a state takeover of land and resources, said B’Tselem.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency