Jewish fanatic groups plan mass break-in into Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday marking a Jewish holiday

JERUSALEM, Tension is expected to be high tomorrow, Sunday, as Jewish fanatic groups are planning a mass break-in into Al-Aqsa Mosque, a Muslim holy place located in Jerusalem’s Old City, marking a Jewish holiday.

The so-called Temple Mount groups, who seek to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and replace it with a Jewish temple, called on their followers to be present at the Muslim holy place on Sunday to mark the Tisha B’av (the ninth of Av) holiday, a day of fasting marking the alleged destruction of the two Jewish temples more than two thousand years ago.

The calls by the Jewish fanatics prompted Palestinian leaders to call on Muslims in Jerusalem and elsewhere to be present at the Mosque tomorrow to protect it against the fanatics, who plan to hold Jewish rituals at the holy site and create a new status quo there in defiance of Muslim feelings.

Israel is supposed to honor the decades-old status quo agreed on at Al-Aqsa Mosque as a Muslim-only worship area. However, it has been lax in recent months and allowed the Jewish fanatics to hold prayer during the morning visit hours when the mosque is open for visitation by non-Muslims.

Source: Palestine News & Info Agency