Israeli repression units raid sections of Palestinian detainees in Naqab

Israeli repression units raided today section 2 in the Israeli prison of Ktzi’ot, in the Naqab desert, where Palestinian political detainees are incarcerated, and brutally assaulted and clashed with them, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS).

The PPS said in a statement that clashes erupted between the Palestinian prisoners and the attacking repression units, but said no further details were available concerning the situation of the prisoners at the moment.

The Israeli prison’s repression units are composed of heavily trained soldiers armed with knives, batons, teargas canisters, electric sticks and other means of repression. The soldiers are especially trained to attack Palestinian political prisoners and keep them under constant crackdown.

The Israeli occupation authorities are incarcerating more than 4,500 Palestinian and Arab prisoners for resisting the Israeli occupation of their homeland.

In recent years, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention have launched multiple strikes to demand better imprisonment conditions, including an end to the unjustified Israeli policy of raiding prisoners’ sections.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency