Palestinians hold a vigil in Tayibe against home demolitions by Israel

NAZARETH, Scores of Palestinians demonstrated today in the Arab city of Tayibe in central Israel in protest of the Israeli policy of home demolitions targeting the indigenous Palestinian-Arab communities in the country.

The vigil which was held at the main entrance to the city was attended by Arab members of the Knesset as well as anti-apartheid activists.

The participants waved banners denouncing Israel’s demolition of homes and ‘racial discrimination’ against Arab Palestinians in the territory.

Arabs in today’s Israel are Palestinians who stayed on their land following the creation of the occupying state in 1948 and their descendants. They make up about 20 percent of the country’s nine million people.

By law, their rights are equal to those of Jewish citizens. But in practice they suffer discrimination in employment, housing, policing and other essentials.

Source: Palestine News & Info Agency