The Hebron District Commander visits the Businessmen Forum

With the aim of discussing ways of joint cooperation between the public and private sectors, the Commander of the Hebron Region, Brigadier General Hazem Abu Hanoud, accompanied by Economic Advisor Ahmed Hassouna and a number of National Security officers, visited the Palestinian Businessmen Forum in Hebron. They were received by the Chairman of the Forum, Ahmed Al-Qawasmeh, and a number of members of the Board of Directors and the Forum’s employees.

Abu Hanoud presented the audience with a picture of the security situation in Hebron Governorate, stressing that the Palestinian security forces are working at an increasing pace to control the security situation in the governorate, stressing the importance of the private sector supporting the security forces and supporting them in their work to eliminate negative phenomena.

For his part, Hassouna said that the private sector is looking forward to more joint work and cooperation with the security services, and they look optimistically to the foreseeable future in light of the Palestinian security measures on the ground that have been taken, and will contribute to forming a state of deterrence for outlaws.

Al-Qawasma stressed that the development and sustainability of the national economy comes in light of security stability. He stressed that businessmen support Palestinian security in their efforts to establish public order and the rule of law.

The attendees talked about the importance of amending the Palestinian Penal Code to make it compatible with the situation we are living in, so that penalties are increased as a deterrent. In addition to increasing the number of security personnel in Hebron due to their urgent need for this increase

Source: Maan News Agency