Hebron: The occupation forces storm the town of Beit Ummar and arrest two young men

HEBRON – Ma’an – Israeli occupation forces stormed the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, at dawn on Monday, and arrested two young men during their raid on several homes.

Media activist in Beit Ummar, Muhammad Ayyad Awad, reported that the occupation forces stormed the areas of Asida, Al-Daher, Harat Bahr, Old Post Street, and the center of the town, and raided several homes, which led to the destruction of their contents.

Awad pointed out that the occupation used police dogs in search operations, as happened in the home of citizen Omar Ahmed Akhlil, where an occupation soldier forced the owner’s wife to be searched after stripping her of her clothes.

Awad added that the soldiers also placed signs with numbers in front of some houses on Al-Barid Street and distributed provocative leaflets in the same area. Before the occupation forces withdrew from the town, they arrested the two young men: Ahmed Omar Ahmed Akhlil, 19 years old, and Mohammed Nabil Mohammed Akhlil, 21 years old, and transferred them to a
n unknown location.

Source: Maan News Agency