Presidential spokesman: Palestine is a member of ICC and any Palestinian is entitled to pursue Israeli crimes in court

RAMALLAH, Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said today that the state of Palestine is a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and any Palestinian has the right to go to court to prosecute the Israeli occupation for its crimes that violate international law.

The spokesperson’s remarks came in response to Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s statements in which he said that he will not allow the ICC to investigate any soldier in the Israeli army.

He stressed the Palestinian side’s commitment to international law, stating that “we will not allow Israel to escape punishment for the continued crimes it commits against the Palestinian people and their Muslim and Christian holy sites.”

Abu Rudeineh affirmed that Israel must comply with international law, end its occupation of the Palestinian territories, and stop its aggression against the Palestinian people, or else it will face sanctions imposed by international law for continuing its occupation and crimes against the Palestinian people.

“If the world wants to achieve security and stability in the region, then it must hold Israel accountable for its continued occupation and crimes,” he said, stressing that Israel must consider itself above the law.

Source: Palestine News & Info Agency